A Washington Post/ABC poll shows that only 30% of Republicans approve of Sarah Palin's response to the Tucson shooting. That's 30% of Republicans. In contrast, 71% of Republicans approve of President Obama's response.
So how did Miss Wasilla respond to this self-inflicted train wreck? She went on Sean Hannity, called the speech that 71% of Republicans approve of a "campaign stop," and doubled down on the self-victimization. I am no longer concerned that she could be president. She can't stop herself from destroying her own career. She is show biz, nothing more.
So how did Miss Wasilla respond to this self-inflicted train wreck? She went on Sean Hannity, called the speech that 71% of Republicans approve of a "campaign stop," and doubled down on the self-victimization. I am no longer concerned that she could be president. She can't stop herself from destroying her own career. She is show biz, nothing more.