Green Bay Comes to Dallas

The Packers brought their weather with them.  Just in time for Super Bowl week we've been hit with an Artic blast that would make Wisconsin folks feel at home...and wonder why they left.  It was 75 on Saturday and today it's 20 and dropping.  Gusty winds are bringing the wind chill to a crisp 1 or 2.  That's not soft, pretty snow in the picture, it's solid ice.  There are a zillion events planned in the area all week, many of them outdoors.  Instead of a typically mild North Texas January, we've got collapsing party tents and a city at a standstill.  Luckily for me, my new job doesn't start until next week so I don't have to get out in it.  I'd better go now, Wes has the hot chocolate heated up.