My What I Plan to do When I Win the Lottery List

LC reader  and college friend AC posted her lottery win list on her blog, A Bit South of Normal.  It got me thinking about what I would to (although I'd have to start by actually buying lottery tickets).  Never mind that lottery tickets are a sin in Texas and South Carolina and are only legal because demons from Hell possessed enough legislators to make it so (I was raised a SC Episcopalian, so we don't do sin), here's my list:

1.  Find that mysterious Huntington's Disease hospital in Italy where Thirteen from House ran off for treatment.
2.  By a wing for Wes.
3.  Buy myself a luxurious villa convenient to said HD hospital with the Wes Wing. 
4.  Hire Rob Lowe to be Wes' Wes Wing personal orderly (I crack myself up). 
5.  Hire Jake Gyllenhaal as our villa pool boy.  Merely for the visuals.  Don't get any ideas.  Now, if he and Rob get any ideas, far be it from me to stand in the way.  With a video camera.  An HD video camera.  With a zoom lens.  And good lighting.   
6.  Hire the Komen Foundation's PR folks and make HD the next breast cancer.
7.  Hire the Turtle Creek Chorale to do a Sing for the HD cure concert in the Roman Coliseum.
8.  Buy a fleet of Alfa Romeos for the patients in the Wes Wing to go on excursions.
9.  Stock up on insanely expensive champagne for the day when we...
10.  Actually find a cure for HD.