A few weeks ago I posted a map showing how every state is number 1 for something positive. Today's map is not so fun. This shows how every state is number 1 for something nobody wants. According to this, Texas ranks 50th in high school graduation. No surprise. Of course, the Lege is going to solve our budget deficit by slashing education. Shockingly, my home state of South Carolina is number 1 in mobile homes. I'm surprised there aren't more tornadoes. However, Sandlappers can keep the state motto of Thank God for Mississippi because the Hospitality State is the most obese. At least we're not fat in our trailers. Actually, you might want to avoid the whole Gulf Coast area. A high school drop out from Texas who heads east can expect gonorrhea, obesity and stroke! If he takes that once-in-a-lifetime trip to Disney World, he'd better hold on to his wallet because Florida leads the nation in identity theft. Those sinners in Delaware have the most abortions. I wonder what other sins they're committing there? No wonder they created Christine O'Donnell. New Yorkers have the longest commutes, unless you're a smart Manhattanite who walks to work. Illinois is the "least green," whatever that means. California has the worst pollution. Actually, I'm surprised Texas didn't take that crown since Houston often leads lists of the most polluted cities. Finally, I wonder if PETA knows about Washington?