Monday's Man: Armie Hammer

I know I said I was going to do a series of Oscar Nominated actors for the next few weeks.  As research, I saw The Social Network this weekend because I thought Jesse Eisenberg might be a good candidate (Wes' take 20 minutes in:  "I'm bored."  His take 1 hour in:  "Aren't we missing Fashion Police?").  Once I laid eyes on Armie Hammer and it was all over.  He plays the strapping, athletic Winklevoss twins, and does it Parent Trap style.  The movie is worth it just to see Armie Hammer X 2, rowing crew.        

He's been cast as Clyde Tolson, J. Edgar Hoover's life partner, in the Clint Eastwood-directed biopic starring Leonardo DeCaprio.  I'm getting tired of straight actors playing gay men from our history, but if I had to pick a straight guy to play gay, I could do worse than Armie.  Let's hope Clint doesn't white-wash, or maybe I should say straight-wash, Hoover's life.  The screenplay is by Dustin Lance Black, so I believe it'll be honest.