"Now I am wondering why, if two gay people want to commit their lives to one another, they should ever be denied that chance. No church or pastor should be forced to perform those ceremonies, and they can choose not to recognize gay marriage for their adherents. But the constitution of the Presbyterian Church does not explicitly forbid a pastor from being a thief, a murderer, or an egotistical jerk. It is not designed to do these things. It does prohibit a gay person from becoming a pastor. All I can ask is: Why."
--Murray Richmond, who was a Presbyterian minister for 17 years and served in North Carolina and Alaska. His position on homosexuality evolved from "hate the sin, love the sinner" and absolute clarity that he "could not fully accept, ordain and marry gays;" to the quote above. Read about his journey here.
--Murray Richmond, who was a Presbyterian minister for 17 years and served in North Carolina and Alaska. His position on homosexuality evolved from "hate the sin, love the sinner" and absolute clarity that he "could not fully accept, ordain and marry gays;" to the quote above. Read about his journey here.