Today, ABC announced the cancellation of two long-running soap operas, All My Children and One Life to Live. Both are Agnes Nixon creations. One Life to Live premiered on July 15, 1968 and has starred Emmy-winner Erika Slezak as Viki Lord since 1971. All My Children premiered on January 5, 1970 and has starred Emmy-winner Susan Lucci as Erica Kane since the first episode. 41 years later, she had this to say:
"It's been a fantastic journey. I've loved playing Erica Kane and working with Agnes Nixon and all the incredible people involved with All My Children. I'm looking forward to all kinds of new and exciting opportunities."
Susan Lucci is a class act.
"It's been a fantastic journey. I've loved playing Erica Kane and working with Agnes Nixon and all the incredible people involved with All My Children. I'm looking forward to all kinds of new and exciting opportunities."
Susan Lucci is a class act.