Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are launching a video initiative today with the message "Real men don't buy girls." The Demi and Ashton Foundation targets sexual exploitation of minors.
"Modern-day slavery is such a complicated issue, but we're trying to do what we can to make men think twice before they engage in this," says Moore, 48, as she prepares to leave the secretive location of CAST, the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking. "The message to the guys is, these girls aren't who you think they are."

Today, Moore and Kutcher, 33, begin beaming their anti-sex-trafficking message around the world. Harnessing Kutcher's social media clout — he has 6.5 million Twitter followers — and capitalizing on friendships with the likes of Sean Penn and Justin Timberlake, they've created a series of video clips with the slogan "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" that they hope will go viral and raise awareness.