Next Book Club Selection

Levi Johnston has signed a book deal.  Hey, if Bristol can do it, why not him?  It's to be called Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs.  Levi had this to say:

“I want to tell the truth about my close relationship with the Palins… my sense of Sarah, and my perplexing fall from grace–how I feel and what I’ve learned. I’m doing this for me, for my boy Tripp and for the country.”

OK, maybe he didn't actually use the word perplexing, but I'll be sure and read it, and by "read it" I mean scan some excerpts on a web site somewhere if I happen to come across it.  I'll re-think this if it comes packaged with a complimentary Playgirl.

 Via Andrew Sullivan.