Gyllenhaal's lawyers are attempting to remove a picture of him, stretching in his underwear, from the Internet entirely and have sent letters requesting it to the sites that post it.
Los abogados the Gyllenhaal estan tratando de remover una foto de el, estirandose en calzones, del Internet completamente y han enviado cartas a los sitios que lo pusieron.

His lawyers claim that anybody could tell from a cursory examination, that it is a fake picture, in which Gyllenhaal’s head has been pasted on the body of another person.
Sus abogados dicen que cualquiera puede notar, despues de una examinacion atenta, que la foto es falsa, en donde la cabeza de Gyllenhaal has sido pegada al cuerpo de otra persona.

They are arguing the photo violates his rights in "portraying him in a false light, violating his right of publicity and constituting a false designation of origin in violation of the Lanham Act."
Ellos argumentan que la foto viola sus derechos mostrandolo bajo una luz falsa.

Their effort to eradicate the picture has caused more people to see the picture, it also has made the websites more stubborn about keeping it up.
El esfuerzo por sacar la foto ha causado que mas gente quiera ver esa foto y tambien ha hecho que los sitios web se empecinen por mantenerla.

"We're keeping the photo up, since it hasn't been proven fake and because their letter bumped it from 'funny and cute' to 'actually newsworthy,'" said one of the sites editor.
Vamos a mantener la foto, porque no se ha probado que sea falsa y tambien porque esa carta se volvio de graciosa en una con atractivo de noticia.

Gyllenhaal's team would have to prove that the picture damage his reputation, and that he might have to have experts testify "to the value of a market in Gyllenhaal underwear photos being damaged by the appearance of this image."
El equipo de Gyllenhaal tendría que probar que la foto daña a su reputación, y ademas sus expertos tendrian que testificar sobre  el valor en el mercadeo de fotos de Gyllenhaal en ropa interior que se daña por la aparición de esta imagen."

There is also another picture that circulated in the world wide web from Gyllenhaal movie "Love and other drugs."  After comparing the two pictures, a judge will say to the lawyers: case dismissed.

Esta foto de Gyllenhaal de su pelicula Amor y otras Adicciones tambien circulo por el Internet.  El juez despues de comparar las dos fotos le va a decir a los abogados: Se cierra la demanda.