The 28 yrs. old Lea was born Leandro Cerezo in Brazil, as the son of soccer star Toninho Cerezo.
Lea de 28 anos nacio en Brazil. Su padre es el futbolista Toninho Cerezo.
Though Lea did not begin experimenting with her sexuality until she went to school in Italy. As an adolescent she was attracted to boys and girls, and the idea of transexuality terrified her.
Lea no experimento su sexualidad hasta que fue a una escuela en Italia. En su adolescencia se sintio atraido por ambos sexos, y el pensamiento de la transexualidad la aterrorizaba.
A few years later she became assistant to the fashion designer Tisci who recognized Lea’s “inherent femininity.” Tisci encouraged her to wear pumps and makeup to a party. It was a revelation.
Unos anos mas tarde ella se convirtio en asistenta del disenador de modas Tisci quien reconocio la feminidad inherente de Lea. Tisci la animo a usar zapatos altos y maquillaje. Fue su revelacion.
Lea T interviewed with Oprah and talked about her childhood, her new found fame and the struggles she's dealt with. Lea said she believes in gender identity disorder.
Lea has become a veritable fixture in the fashion world, walking in Givenchy’s haute couture show and posing in Vanity Fair.
Lea se ha convertido en un verdadero accesorio en el mundo de la moda, desfilando en los desfiles de alta moda de Givenchy and posando para Vanity Fair.
French Vogue decided to feature Lea T completely nude with only her hand barely covering her genitals.
Vogue francesa decidio mostrar a Lea completamente desnuda, con solo su mano cubriendo ligeramente sus genitales.
Lea and Andrej Pejec are not only changing the face of fashion, but changing the way people view and talk about sexuality in the industry, in America and around the world.
Lea y Andrej Pejec estan cambiando la cara de la moda, y tambien la forma como la gente ve y habla acerca de la sexualidad en la industria de la moda, en America y alrededor del mundo.
Lea de 28 anos nacio en Brazil. Su padre es el futbolista Toninho Cerezo.
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Lea T |
Though Lea did not begin experimenting with her sexuality until she went to school in Italy. As an adolescent she was attracted to boys and girls, and the idea of transexuality terrified her.
Lea no experimento su sexualidad hasta que fue a una escuela en Italia. En su adolescencia se sintio atraido por ambos sexos, y el pensamiento de la transexualidad la aterrorizaba.
A few years later she became assistant to the fashion designer Tisci who recognized Lea’s “inherent femininity.” Tisci encouraged her to wear pumps and makeup to a party. It was a revelation.
Unos anos mas tarde ella se convirtio en asistenta del disenador de modas Tisci quien reconocio la feminidad inherente de Lea. Tisci la animo a usar zapatos altos y maquillaje. Fue su revelacion.

Lea fue entrevistada por Oprah y hablo sobre su ninez, su nueva fama y los estragos con los que tuvo que lidiar. Lea dice que cree en el desorden de identidad del genero al que se pertenece.
Lea reveals to Oprah, "I was hoping I was gay because for my family it's less painful. I wish I could accept my body as a man but it's something in my brain."
Lea le revelo a Oprah, "Tenia la esperanza de que fuera gay porque para mi familia seria menos doloroso. Desearia poder aceptar my cuerpo como un hombre pero es algo que esta en mi cerebro."![]() |
Lea T at a Brazilian Bikinies Fashion Show |
Lea has become a veritable fixture in the fashion world, walking in Givenchy’s haute couture show and posing in Vanity Fair.
Lea se ha convertido en un verdadero accesorio en el mundo de la moda, desfilando en los desfiles de alta moda de Givenchy and posando para Vanity Fair.
French Vogue decided to feature Lea T completely nude with only her hand barely covering her genitals.
Vogue francesa decidio mostrar a Lea completamente desnuda, con solo su mano cubriendo ligeramente sus genitales.
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Lea in Vogue Magazine |
Lea and Andrej Pejec are not only changing the face of fashion, but changing the way people view and talk about sexuality in the industry, in America and around the world.
Lea y Andrej Pejec estan cambiando la cara de la moda, y tambien la forma como la gente ve y habla acerca de la sexualidad en la industria de la moda, en America y alrededor del mundo.