Quote of the Day

"I fear I'll be remembered for the work I did on this campaign."

--Marc Mutty, the Chairman of the Yes on 1 Campaign in Maine that overturned marriage equality in that state in 2009.  Mutty was on leave from his job as public relations director for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Maine while running Yes on 1.  He also bemoaned the "hyperbole" used in the campaign and said,

"You know, we say things like 'Teachers will be forced to (teach same-sex marriage in schools)!' " he continues. "Well, that's not a completely accurate statement and we all know it isn't, you know?"

His statements are part of a documentary on the Yes on 1 campaign that will be released later this summer or in the fall.  
In related news, Equality Maine has announced a new campaign to gather signatures to put marriage equality on the ballot again in 2012.