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  • Jaime
    09-10 04:13 PM
    thx for catching that.. i m sending it now to my school

    Great! Let's all do the same!!!

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  • mjadala
    03-17 02:48 PM
    My PD is Nov 2004. Filed 485 in July 2007.

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  • sunitharay
    08-09 12:20 AM
    I am spending sleepless nights worrying...and regarding resubmitting, is it not a waste submitting it twice - will they encash the checks twice?


    it seems to be a better idea to just enclose the RN # and submit the EVL separately...

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  • perm2gc
    12-29 02:42 PM
    It good to see some activity on the thread..Please carry on the advertising..we are near to our goal ..

    Thks for all who have spent their valuable time on posting about IV.


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  • sukhwinderd
    02-02 01:58 PM
    i can drive my minivan from zip code 32771 (orlando area). so 6 seats are vacant.
    i can pick up members from daytona beach area, jacksonville etc. if someone is coming from south florida, tampa area they can stop by at orlando and we can car pool from orlando.

    i need atleast one person who can drive at night, cause i cannot.

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  • eilsoe
    02-23 02:19 PM
    well, people seems to have forgotten about this battle...


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  • ponnuswamyp
    09-27 12:57 PM
    I am worried bcoz, on my EAD card its written "NOT VALID FOR REENTRY TO U.S."

    what does this mean?

    Please advise.

    It means you can not use EAD as a travel document to reenter to U.S. You should have valid Visa for reentry.

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  • wellwishergc
    07-13 10:54 AM
    Right on! You are absolutely right! It just needs people to amplify their vision. Even if there is a hidden agenda for somebody else, why shouldn't you be happy if it benefits both you and the other person?

    As anyone in this forums know about this "may-a-times-told" joke about a bunch of people in an airplane that have to make some hard decision on dropping out some of thier own to save the flying aircraft. As one by one jumps out of the aircraft for a noble cause of saving the other person - our own Desi pushed the next one crying " Gandhiji ki Jai" - saving himself instead of others.

    The moral of the story (which people never really bothered to infer) was that our Desi folks are trigger ready to pull someone down when it comes to me versus them. I hate to stereotype people - based on some unfounded and preconceived notions , but the more and more postings I see like this, it just reinforces my beliefs that we are still gullible enough to be divided no matter what the past had taught us.

    I enjoy visiting IV forums - because of all the Indian based forums - this was one place where people came together rallied for a cause - something that I could not find in any other place. Now I am seeing some folks postings that spites and pits one against another - without understanding the real issue.

    What or why does it matter if Murthy sending a letter to DHS or its Director is all about getting credit for her? Why do we have to think that its "us versus them" within our group - when we are all fighting for one single cause?

    Need some civility here - Please!


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  • Ramba
    04-07 05:27 PM
    Rumor, rumor, and more rumors. We Indians get a kick out of this stuff, dont we? This actually happened with me couple of weeks ago.

    POE: San Francisco. I hold a completely different job compared to my Masters degree. I was asked what qualifications I have to hold a job in marketing when my background was technology. I gave an explanation and the VO looked up and smile. He said, you memorized your answers well. I said, I've been doing it for the last five years. He laughed and said, you guys are smart cookies. Have fun, summer is around. NEXT.

    Note to people who like to spread Bullshit: Please STOP spreading horsemanure. Unless your paperwork is completely out of whack, no VO at the POE has the RIGHT/AUTHORITY to send you back. I spoke to an immigration lawyer at a party couple of months ago. He said deportation procedures are not that simple. The VO has to call DHS and Immigration Services. Once they take over the case, it takes 12 to 24 hours to do a background check. Until that time, the person is held in custody at the Airport. A decent bed and food is provided. If the documents check out incorrect then authorities in the home country are informed and so is the Embassy in United States. DHS and USCIS allow folks from (Indian embassy) to interview the candidate (potential value target: crime recod back home, etc). If the embassy decides that the documents were forged then it will send a memo to the Indian Airport and ask the Indian police to book a case after the person arrives. The process is much detailed than making a call to somebody's father or father-in-law and asking, DO YOU NEED XYZ for this job.

    So all this is dino-dung. Stop wasting time at your desk and do something productive.

    Let the red-dots rain.

    As you mentioned it can be a rumor. Or, it may be a very rare isolated case. However, I would like to say few words for the inspection and admission process at POE. There may be a lot of regulation regarding denying admission at POE. Ultimatly, it is upto the IO at POE to follow it or not. One cannot argue (or complaint with the supervisor) with them in the long line at POE to ask them to follow the rules and regulations; or you do not have your lawyer standing next to you in the line. You do not have much option at POE. If they want to flex their muscles, they can do it and deny the admission to any one without proper reason. Even if you have a valid visa and other documents US admission is not always gurenteed. However, 99.9% it wont happen. If the unemployment rate continue like this, it will not be a unusual to hear these kind of stories. Bottom line is IO at POE and consular officers at embassy has tremondus power; it is not easy (or question their decision) to overcome their decision.

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  • gimme_GC2006
    04-06 11:31 PM
    No no. This is very true. This happened to my friend's friend.

    My friend's friend was visiting my friend and was traveling with his dog. The VO asked my friend's friend what his plan was with the dog. My friend's friend said he was just planning to stay with my friend and take the dog to walk in nearby park where he can poop in the grass and pee on a tire. The VO immediately called my friend and asked if he can take a US dog and have it poop in the park and pee on tire. My friend said yes! And the VO immediately deported my friend's friend along with dog!! :eek: My friend's friend very upset, not in shape to talk about it for 3 months.

    IV should do something about this before too late! ;)
    hahahah...too funny


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  • Circus123
    02-20 04:31 PM
    EB3 india wont move further... With PD Sep 2001 EB3 Indi. Still waiting...
    Don't worry man! Your coast is near ... I think the EB3 India movement will atleast go to Sept - Oct 2001 . Someone had posted the Labor PD count from May 01 to Dec 01 . (524 in total) . Obviously the unknown which came out of the BEC backlogs makes this situation worse.

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  • sheela
    10-16 10:14 AM

    Someone left a red dot on post with message: " tells of your lack of ideas".

    I never said that this is the only option left and we have to do this. This was one of the proposal / suggestion. We welcomed other suggestions too! What I wanted and I still want is to do something, I wanted to have a brain storming so that we can come up with some better positive idea. This is not new. We had similar hurdles when tried to request people to promote HR 5882 and other events.

    Above note is a sign of complete loser. This type of people don't have guts to come up in front and express their views because they really don't have guts to do anything. I am not ashamed that I proposed flower campaignwhere there are other possibly better options available.

    I still strongly believe that doing something is always better than cursing something who is trying to do something or doing nothing.

    Seriously, its not illegal lobbies that we are more threatened by. Its our own people.

    I agree we need to do something big to end never-ending regression.

    Let us organise:
    "WORK-ROUND-THE-CLOCK non-stop for 24 hours"

    This will generate lot of interest in media for the hard-working immigrant community

    It will get us support from our Employers/Managers & hurt none

    It is easy to organise at institution level- be it University, Hospitals/Corporate sector or R&D. I believe participation & effect will be much more than we expect. With little publicity -It may become a news of the day

    I tell you what= during our doctoral studies at a prestigious institute in india. we did this and it really worked

    WE can do some polling here and select a date for this event. I may say: Let us start this non-stop event a day-before THANKSGIVING DAY and end on the morning of thanksgiving day.


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  • NKR
    07-03 11:09 PM
    May I suggest the following reservations:
    20% Other Backward Countries (OBC)
    15% Scheduled Countries (SC)
    15% Scheduled Territories (ST)
    5% Kins of the armed forces
    Remaining 55% for Highly Skilled people

    Notfunny dude..

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  • kartikiran
    08-21 09:48 AM
    welcome to the world of dealing with USCIS

    I am outraged that after not hearing ONE thing from them in over 2 years, that all of a sudden I am supposed to come up with all this stuff, hand over money I don't have and still not be assured my green card.
    I am really ticked with USCIS and their utter lack of correspondence and then expecting me to bleed money from a stone for them. They are not in any hurry to process my application so why do I need to be? I've been here this long, what's another few years?
    Has anyone else dealt with this or can you direct me to someone who knows what needs to be done and how?


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  • greyhair
    02-12 02:16 PM
    hold on guys!!! i was the one who started this thread because i was not sure if ron was right or not but i guess seeing desi3933 comments that he is right and ron may not have the proof to justify this time.

    it is good if we can get some proof of uscis wasting/not using visa but untill then please dont blame each other..

    I feel the arguments desi3933 is giving.... makes most of the sense as compared to the last reply by ron which was like a general response instead of showing root cause of 13k visa lost.

    peace V

    Please let me clarify. This is not a question of ambiguity in the meaning of the message. Its crystal clear. One immigration body shop said that 13K visas are wasted by USCIS. It has been proven with facts that the statement made by immigration body shop is factually incorrect. Its not the first time. But you continue to ask others to look for proof of USCIS wasting visa numbers even after looking at the data. I am totally perplexed by the obsession with immigration body shop when repeatedly similar inflaming messages have been discredited in the public arena. :confused: When is enough, enough.

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  • shantanup
    03-16 05:44 PM

    Though I don't like your language and attitude, you have a valid point. I honestly feel that those who have used labor substitution should not get their green cards earlier than me.


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  • delax
    07-13 10:48 AM
    everybody ..I think 70% of green card filers know that Murthy is money maker and does not help our community much at all...
    she is just making up to show to world that she is doing some help for us..

    we still have to appreciate her efforts tahts all.

    MONEY MAKER - who isnt a money maker. Welcome to the world of Capitalism. I dont think any of us are in a position to comment on whether she helps our community or not. Here is a fact - On her call last week she mentioned that the Murthy Law Firm is one of the biggest financial contributor to AILF - who by the way are ready to file the class action lawsuit. If the lawsuit is successfull and given AILF's funding source - will you exclude yourself from the potential benefit because Murthy's funds were used to support the litigation - who's piggybacking now :)

    Again - Its not one against the other - Please bear in mind the DUE PROCESS of LAW has been violated by USCIS resulting in a curtailment of your substantive rights (EAD, Parole, AC21 etc). I would not care who fights on my behalf so long as the outcome is to correct the earlier mistake.

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  • rpatel
    07-31 12:43 PM
    The visa numbers for Indians in EB2 category is 'unavailable' currently. Every month the USCIS estimates (rather guesses :rolleyes:) the demand for visas in each category adds to it their own forecasted work pace and based on some super secretive formula comes up with a cut-off date....as we all have seen this formula is by no means accurate (knowing how it went from being current for all employment based category in sept 05 to unavailable for eb3 indians at begining of they year to the dates moving 5 years for chinese eb2 in a few months..etc ..etc)

    Wouldn't it be nice if USCIS gives themselves a break from the stressful guess work ;) every october and instead of giving cut-off dates, just make eb1-3 'available' for all across the board...then all of us waiting with approved i140's can file 485...get EADs..our wives can work...we can change jobs per will and live happily ever after...May be they can use the data gathered from all the petition received to forecast a better cut-off date for the remaining 11 months...And if they repeat this every year....the most one would have to wait with an approved I40 to file I485 is one year....I am sure lot of guys with pending applications at BECs would also jump on this idea and file new perm petitions...effectively reducing the backlog..if not eliminating it.

    Mean while I am proposing all this in humour and not advocating IV to adopt it in their agenda :) ...so don't start pounding on me just yet...

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  • va_217
    01-18 11:24 AM
    same happened to me in Elpaso airport longtime back, I guess when you are coming from Mexico they do that.
    but no questions asked it was normal


    02-28 02:33 PM
    What a lovely change. Every time Obama and his press Secy opens their mouth, markets dive into red. In this country Main Street and Wall Street are in bed with each other :-)
    Obama with his sense-less economic policies, trying to separate Main Street from Wall street. Government needs to seriously lure the investors to the market , cut capital gains and taxes, take off protectionist hats and recover the economy. Then Obama can go with his socialist/populist agenda but certainly this is not the right time.:D

    Expect huge government control pretty much over everything from now on. Times of big government are back. Government (read leftist like Obama) has seen the result of private investors. Healthcare is a mess, education is below par, social security/medicare is on brink, rich getting richer, poor getting worse etc.

    Obama has totally different philosophy than republicans. Bill clinton said era of big govt were over. But that is about to change. In insurance / pharma sectors govt will wipe off these scumbags. Insurance companies are nothing but taking away profits for no help. There is no reason for them to exist. If you think about insurance general americans are paying 11k for family on average income of 48k. That is tax of 20%. Also add profit taking by insurance companies to increase costs, preventive care totally denied, admins taking decision instead of doctors etc. I would rather pay 10% more taxes to govt than to insurance companies.

    Govt is all ready to wipe off sallie mae. There is no reason for private investors need to provide loans for students. Government should be able to make federal loans and help students. Private investors made loans to students to fund their luxuries during colleges. These essential services critical for a nation should not be used to make profit. Or else it results in what we are seeing today.

    Either way there is no debate that Obama will bring more government in every sector. This will discourage investors to put their money into it. It will also mean higher taxes for average public to use these services. It can mean that country will move in direction of services provided to average Joe rather than corporations making profits. As for investors they can forget to make blind profits from wall street. They will have to fund innovation rather than profit making by abusing law (read housing crisis).

    04-29 09:00 AM
    I opened the mailbox at home this evening and to my complete surprise -- the physical card! Sudden burst of efficiency at USCIs, 6 days from approval to actual delivery of card.

    Good luck to everyone else!

    Enjoy the Green on hand!!